Friday, September 12, 2008

Jon and Kate Plus Eight (Dead Hermit Crabs)

This is from the site

On a recent episode of the popular TLC reality show Jon and Kate Plus Eight, the family wondered why their pet hermit crabs were all dying. We at PETA have that answer, and we think it's important that Jon and Kate and other folks understand why hermit crabs should never, ever be kept as pets.
Hermit crabs don't belong in a home or aquarium or whatever for several reasons:
Hermit crabs are very social by nature—in their natural habitats, they live in colonies of up to 100 or more.
They only live in warm parts of the world and cannot survive in places where the temperature drops too low.
They must live in very humid climates because hermit crabs breathe through stiffened gills that are kept moistened by the humidity.
They will only lay their eggs in the ocean and will not reproduce in captivity—that means that every crab in every tourist shop and pet store was ripped away from their family.
So what can you do? Let the hermit crabs stay in their natural habits with their families. Never buy a hermit crab or support a store that sells them. If you see a store selling them, let people know what's wrong with the practice. If you have kids, they can learn all about hermit crabs by taking PETA's Hermit Crab Quiz.
Posted by Carrie Ann Harris


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I always like learning new info!

beachluvin said...

That episode made me so angry when I saw they had purchased hermit crabs as pets and Kate screaming and over reacting because a crab was on the table. I guess nail clippings and old staples from Jon's head is ok on the dining room table but not a Hermit crab. My son had a pet hermit crab he won at a street fair, it was HUGE!!! Anyway, his claw got a hold of his thumb and we couldn't pry it loose, I finally got it off but many tears had passed, I was ready to stick that thing down the garbage disposal after seeing my son is so much pain. They're just not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Those poor little crabs.

Libby said...

I had a feeling while watching the kids with the hermit crabs that PETA would have a problem with that. What kind of a pet is that anyway? I felt bad for the crabs that kept dying and for the girls too.