Monday, September 1, 2008

Is the show getting to Kate?

Kate's breakdown at the end of tonight's episode while on the couch is a strong indication that the show is getting to her.  How could anyone endure so much negativity without breaking down?  The usual stoic Kate, along with her out of control hair tonight finally broke down.  She broke down after explaining how different their life is now compared to when they stayed at the condo post tups. Kate, we know what your were trying to tell us. Your life was much easier pre-exploitation.  
You should have thought about that Kate before you signed your family's privacy away for your own greed.  Are the spa days worth it?  Is it worth it not to have your family and friends in your life? Kate, maybe your parents would have toured the NICU with you since they were so involved with the twins at the time. Or, Kevin and Jodi would have come with you.  Are you enjoying your vacations? Are you looking forward to your new 8000 square foot custom home to film more of your families private moments?  You sold your family for the almighty dollar Kate and now it's finally coming back to bite you.  
You know Kate, if you had just shown a little appreciation.  If you weren't such a bitch.  If you stopped putting down your husband.  If you learned to listen and stop talking through your a** all the time, you wouldn't have so many people wanting to bring you down.   You see Kate, women love to help other women.  Women stick together, always have.  Since the beginning of time, women stayed together and gathered while the men went out and hunted (or got a job).  They gathered, chatted and helped raise each others young.  Women want to help.  But, you push everyone away.  Whether it be your own relatives or friends, you push them away.  You've pushed strangers away that came to your rescue when you needed it most.  Women that wanted to help you feed your babies, fold your laundry, cook your meals, babysit your kids, do your shopping and anything else you requested of them.  And now, you push us viewers away.  Yes, Kate it is you.  Not Jon, not the kids, it's you!  
We tuned in and you captured our hearts.  The way you clipped your coupons and hugged your babies.  But once we were drawn in, you began to push us away.  Whether it be your sense of entitlement, your incessant need to berate your husband in front of us women, the way you treat your kids or Kate just your general bitchiness.  
The last straw Kate for me?  When you told poor Joel that you better not even hear him breathe.  Images of Joel with tubes up his nose struggling for each breath came to mind.  Did you think about that when you were spreading your germs at the NICU tonight?  Didn't think so.

Oh did that feel good.  No way in the world is Kate ever going to read this, but boy it felt good to vent!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what I have been thinking. The saddness that Kate showed tonight spoke volumes. She does regret it, she has to. Kate as many of us who have grown to dislike you really do understand and believe me, if you decide to leave this all behind and do what is right for your family, many of us women (albeit strangers to you) will be there for you. I think you would then see that many will love you and perhaps really consider you a good mom.

Joni said...

Thank you for your post. I love it when a post comes together and yours sure did. I bow to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking with Kate's emotions and Mady's sign, it's time to pull the plug. You know you have had enough Kate, so have your kids. :(

Anonymous said...

I almost cried with Kate tonight, I know it's tough when you get caught up in something and you don't know how to get out of it. Contracts are made to be broken though. If I were her, I would just say to hell with it all and call up all my family and say sorry. Just tell them the truth, that she got caught up with the fame and she is sorry. I bet they will forgive her in a heartbeat.

notakatelover said...

I think calling their family and ex-friends would be the first step. But, I think they are in too deep to just call it quits on the show. I believe TLC will cut it before the Gosselins do. There are too many commitments and contracts involved now. Jon is unemployed for one. The house, the speaking engagement contracts, the sponsors they are in waaaayyyy too deep.

It's a very sad situation and I hold TLC, Figure 8 and the sponsors partially responsible.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for Kate, she made her bed, let her lie in it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog! How can this not be clear to every person that watches this show?

Anonymous said...

When you told poor Joel that you better not even hear him breathe. Images of Joel with tubes up his nose struggling for each breath came to mind. Did you think about that when you were spreading your germs at the NICU tonight?

This statement really hit me. Thank you for sharing your feelings.

Anonymous said...

It's about time the show gets to Kate, it got to me a long long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I too almost felt sorry for Kate. Sometimes you realize that things are not as wonderful as they seem. Yet I can't help but wonder what are the little ones going to think when they see this show. Will they feel like they ruined mommy and daddy's lives. These two really need to start to think before they talk.

Anonymous said...

I will help out any woman, but I would never help out this wench. She has used her family for wealth and sold out her morals, so she can cry in her money for all I care.

Anonymous said...

The note on the door made me sick. Give those kids a normal life please.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anyone in my life who is more clueless than Kate.

Anonymous said...

Yes Kate is clueless, but I think down deep she really does have a clue. She is just to darn greedy to do anything about it. I can't imagine weighing out which is more important...MONEY or MY KIDS.

Anonymous said...

Kate has been getting to me for quite sometime.

Anonymous said...

I missed the note, what did it say?

Joni said...

The twins had a note on their study room door that said...

Stay owt
with camra
only if

Then it had a sad face at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

Kate's newest scripture. Gee, she is exhausted, who does she think she is fooling?

Philippians 4:13 NIV I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Right now, I am exhausted. I have put in a full day...a fuller than full day! I have been thinking of this verse all week! A lot of times, I feel doubt creep in when I know that there is too much to do in any given day. I am not superwoman!!! There are struggles in my mind of what is important versus what can wait. Things like cleaning out closets can wait sometimes, but the laundry, making dinner, breaking up the latest fights, helping with homework, applying a bandaide...and you get the point....... can't!!!! I don't always have the energy to do it all! I know any mom can relate! But in this verse, God is telling me that I CAN do it all with His strength! If I keep my eyes on Him, He can help me to prioritize and do it all! Any day I am feeling down and this verse pops into my head, I smile and know that if I lay all of my struggles, to do lists and issues at His feet, together we CAN do it all! I am so grateful for that divine encouragement! How about you?

Anonymous said...

I just feel sad for the way Kate behaves and for the change I have seen them go through. She is a screaming meemie. Everyone says Jon is henpecked, and I agree. But I think he doesn't want to set her off again in front of the cameras. Kate really is simply nuts. I am sad to know how greedy the Gosselins have become. I am sad for those little kids. I do think they all love one another, but because of Kate, the drama is always on. I hate it that they get so much money, goods, and entertainment for nothing and that that she didn't donate the cribs to others who could use it. She could donate the clothes her kids grow out of to people who truly do have need. I am betting that all the amazing camping equipment they got FOR NOTHING will just drive Kate nuts, because she will have a hard time trying to organize it into storage. I am just really sad.