Sunday, May 3, 2009

TLC - Laughing All the Way to the Bank of Exploitation

There are many people out there that believe that the recent photo of Jon with a "mystery" woman driving his new $40,000.00 sports car was a PR stunt to get more viewers to tune in to Season Five of Jon and Kate Plus 8. I don't believe it, but, I don't doubt for one moment that TLC is ecstatic that "America's Most Watched Family" (per their commercial) was the lead in story for almost every major entertainment show and tabloid.

When are Jon and Kate going to realize that they are being exploited as much as they are exploiting their children? Jon has said that he hates the attention and the fact that he can't live his life as an "average" citizen. Well then how do you think your EIGHT children feel? It's time to stand up, be a man and put your foot down for once. Maybe Kate can't see through her fake tan how much TLC is using your family for their own greed but Jon maybe you can!

They're using you Jon and Kate! Wake up!!!!! Stop being so selfish and greedy...Enough already! Save what you have left of your souls! Rescue your children before it's much too late to do so....

Question for Kate.....
Do you enjoy the fact that some of your fans have photos of YOUR children plastered all over the net? Kind of creepy, don't ya think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I run a few celeb fansites and it creeps me out that people are so interested in their children and are so desperate for pics. I can't imagine these people thrusting their kids into the spotlight on purpose like Jon and Kate have.