Saturday, May 30, 2009

Former Nurse Actually Stands Up for Kate?

With all due respect to Angela Krall, when was the last time she was in the Gosselin household? I seriously doubt she has been admitted past "the gates" of exploitation.
Pennsylvania authorities have opened up a probe into whether reality-show parents Jon and Kate Gosselin are running a televised sweatshop out of their home.
The state Labor Department received a complaint the TV couple -- whose brood of eight children is featured in the red-hot "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on TLC -- are engaging in illegal child labor, according to spokesman Justin Fleming.

"Any complaint we get, we investigate," Fleming said, although the exact nature of the complaint was not clear.

A former nanny who worked with the couple defended them yesterday to The Post.

Angela Krall said that, although the kids are probably on camera too much, the Gosselin home is not a place of child labor.

"It's absolutely ridiculous," Krall, 31, told The Post. "It's like someone is trying to get to them. There are a lot of bad insults flying about them."

TLC insisted it complied with all relevant laws.

The couple -- parents of an 8-year-old set of twins and a 5-year-old set of sextuplets -- were catapulted into headlines after allegations that they were cheating on each other.

Meanwhile, The Post has learned that the Gosselins are having a new kitchen installed inside their already posh $1.1 million mansion, which sits behind a gate on 24 acres, while they stay out of town.

Their huge and well-appointed old kitchen was one of the main backdrops for the season-premiere episode of their show, which drew a blockbuster audience of 10 million on Monday.

The couple moved from a modest home in October to the fancy new digs. They have been criticized for taking a huge amount of swag -- from free trips to plastic surgery.

Monday's episode featured several awkward moments as Jon and Kate talked about the troubles in their marriage -- but denied adultery.

Krall, who says she likes Kate, said the TV mom "comes across as not such a nice person.

"I'd say she's a difficult person to get on with. She doesn't ask people to do stuff, but commands them."

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