Friday, May 15, 2009

How the Monster Kate Gosselin Was Created.

Kate Gosselin is surrounded by people that use her. She has no idea that she has been exploited just as badly as she exploits her own 8 children. I truly believe that in her own mind, she actually thinks she is a big talent, an accomplished writer and an inspirational speaker. Why not? Everyone that surrounds her tells her so.

First........the show. The TLC executives are stunned at the success of Jon and Kate Plus 8. They have got a HUGE hit on their hands. They are ecstatic! Kate is naive and very greedy, a perfect target! They romance her with expensive dinners, nice trips, freebies and cash beyond her wildest dreams. At first, Kate feels it is an end to the constant budget constraints she has encountered raising 8 children. She is no stranger to begging and taking so she happily signs away her family's privacy on the dotted line. The show is beating every other show in the TLC lineup so the executives court Kate and give in to her increasing demands. The viewers notice that Katie begins to sport a little rooster like spike on the back of her head.

All of a sudden Kate becomes a "Goddess" of sorts to thousands of fans (aka sheepie). They are so obsessed with her and Kate's head is beginning to swell beyond capacity! Kate thinks she is the next Martha Stewart. They send her gifts, they send the children gifts, companies are knocking her door down with offers of freebies. Kate begins adding stripes to her hair.

Next comes the speaking engagements. Kate walks on stage to the sounds of Kate! Kate! Kate! as if she just caught the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl. Her head is expanding so rapidly that her hair is beginning to stand up on its own.

In steps Beth Carson, a family friend who offers to help Kate write a book about her so called life with sextuplets and twins. Beth essentially writes the book but receives no credit. (It is alleged that there was a fallout between Beth Carson and Kate Gosselin because of TLC wanted to pay the Carsons for shooting on their property but Kate wouldn't hear of it.)
Next comes the whirlwind book tour. Thousands of sheepie flock to dozens and dozens of book signings to have Kate autograph a copy of Multiple Ble$$ings. Kate's head is so big now that hair will only grow on one side of her head because her ego is busting out the hair follicles before they have a chance to grow.

Zondervan (book publisher) is fawning over her every need. This small Christian Publishing company has never had a book on the NY Times Bestseller list, let alone two! They give in to her demands of first class air tickets, a $1600/day bodyguard, first class accommodations and anything Kate asks for even more book signings! The back of Kate's hair finally explodes due to the busting ego trying to escape her head.

So take a narcissist and add in TLC executives, thousands of sheepie, Zondervan and there you have it.

The Monster and her hair is CREATED!!!

What is so sad about this whole story is the whole premise, the basis of Jon and Kate Plus 8 are the children...who have been forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Um...have you devoted your entire blog to your hatred of this family? You may not be too fond of them, but clearly, you're watching the show. Why don't you deal with it by turning the channel? Just a thought. Why don't you get a life of your own and leave these people alone. You're not doing anybody any favors, especially yourself.

notakatelover said...

Dear...."Um" Ms. anonymous.....why can't you use your name?

Anyway, tried changing the channel....guess what?
They're everywhere! Yes, they are...their cheating is everywhere!

Anonymous said...

When there is a train wreck you watch. I think that is the reason that people like myself still watch the show it's a "wreck" in process and we slow down to watch this woman destroy herself and her family.

Anonymous said...

When we change the channel do the kids stop being exploited?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous--Why dont you get a live an get on a differnt blog.If you can't stand the heat stay out of this blog.What is wrong with telling the TRUTH ON THESE TWO SCAM DOGS;We are here telling the truth on the KONS!!!SO SORRY THE TRUTH HURTS YOU!!!lol--Her Hair does look like the Train has already hit her.I was told she used a coupon for for her hair cut.
She forgot to read the small print wher it said;Hair stylest is --BLIND-An flunked out of school-Half Off ONLY;FOR THE NEEDY--AND we all Know how NEEDY KATE IS--So she got what she deserverd.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous--Why dont you get a live an get on a differnt blog.If you can't stand the heat stay out of this blog.What is wrong with telling the TRUTH ON THESE TWO SCAM DOGS;We are here telling the truth on the KONS!!!SO SORRY THE TRUTH HURTS YOU!!!lol--Her Hair does look like the Train has already hit her.I was told she used a coupon for for her hair cut.
She forgot to read the small print wher it said;Hair stylest is --BLIND-An flunked out of school-Half Off ONLY;FOR THE NEEDY--AND we all Know how NEEDY KATE IS--So she got what she deserverd.

Anonymous said...

Very god post - I usually read/post over st GWOP but this post of yours is GREAT! I love how you tie in the growing hair monster over time.


Anonymous said...

I don't see why any of this is our business. I would hate to have national tv air all my laundry. Kate is spoiled and it has all gone to head just think os the blow she will have when jon and kate p;lus eight get s canceled. How will thsy survive then.

blondie said...

If Kate wrote either of those books, I wrote War and Peace. If Oprah thought a Million Little Pieces was a hoax, she and others better do their research. Kate could not write a list if wasn't telling others what to do

Nomad said...

people should stop trying to copy Kate Gosselin's hairstyle; she's one of the few people in the world who can pull it off