Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Message from Aunt Jodi's sister

The Truth Will Set You Free said…

Since TLC is airing the old episodes, I thought I shed some light on how the show works. We’ve discussed this before, but it’s buried somewhere in the archived posts.

When the show first started, Kate made a wishlist of things that she wanted, and that became the theme of each episode–the carpet, twin’s room, bunk beds, cow, hairplugs, teeth whitening, trips, etc. EVERYTHING that you see them do or buy is completely paid for out of the budget for the show or traded for free advertising. Kate went on and on about saving up for special days, you saw her paying for things, she talked about budgeting, etc. It is all for the appearance that they are a struggling family with 8 children. They needed to be relatable. They didn’t pay for any of it.

The episodes are also staged. Here’s how it works…there is a staff of people reading these blogs and they base the shows around what people are talking about. I haven’t watched many episodes, but I do know some of the behind the scenes events.

The Christmas episode from 2007. Producers told Kate that the viewers wanted to see her show appreciation to their helpers. They told her what the episode was going to be. I think they baked cookies and then went caroling (of course this was probably one of their many “traditions”–those are all fake too). Kate threw a fit. She didn’t want to do it, but she did…because they were trying to pacify the viewers.

Another example is the “Games Gosselins Play” (I think that might have been the same episode as their “mission statement”). I actually did watch this one. This was around the time that I started reading discussion boards and finding out that there were many people opposed to the show. It was so obvious that the mission statement was addressing all of the concerns that I had been reading online. The game time was just ridiculous. After the episode, I called Jodi and said, “what was that?”. She hadn’t watched it, so I explained that it came across so fake (at least to me). Jodi was with Kate when she got “the call” about the theme for that episode. Kate said something like, “so now I have to pretend that I play with my kids”. They also wanted her to pay special attention to the boys.

Don’t believe everything you see. The children are also being prompted to say or do certain things. They signed their lives away to TLC and they will continue to spin the show to keep the viewer’s interest. I don’t believe this show will go away until the viewers decide that they don’t want to be played anymore.

Of course, you’ve all figured out that they are showing Kate cook/bake to promote her upcoming cookbook. The show has now turned into a show about a family with a reality show–move to a mansion, cross-over shows, book tour, talk shows…

I’ve only watch a handful of episodes. I haven’t even seen all of the episodes that Jodi has been in. I made a personal decision long ago to do what I can to give those children the privacy and respect that they deserve. I refuse to watch and participate in something that I feel so strongly against.

Please don’t watch on Monday. You’re not going to learn anything new by watching. They will only show what they think people want to see and it isn’t real anyway. They will probably drag this out (J&K’s “relationship”) for the entire season. They just string the viewers along hoping that they will come back for more.


sueshe said...

Your post is just reinforcing what we can see on tv. It is truly amazing the transformation of this woman. The more this series goes on, the bigger Kate's head grows with attitude.
TLC is going to the bank on this series. Look at what cost though. A family is destroyed, and a monster is created. The more they give the more she takes, and takes, and takes. Kate's greed is pathetic, and so is TLC's. The list of accomplices that feed Kate are unbelievable. These kids sure have had a great life, and one that isn't too real in a normal world. If they are given all this now, what do they have to look forward to in the near future. This show will come to an end, there isn't much more you can film that will provide entertainment, except for Kate and her drama. I hope that it will be sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

Adding to your sponsor list, Whirlpool. After they move into the new huge house, they get delivered 2 sets of washer and dryers. Kate makes a huge point of telling us they're Whirpool Duets and they could wash 16 pairs of jeans at one time. She even sings about how much she loves them (after a zoom in of the Whirlpool logo.) Then we see all brand new appliances from Whirlpool installed in the kitchen.

Funny how the producer asked her how much laundry she does per day and the answer is only 3 loads, but somehow she needs 2 sets of industrial-esque washers.

Anonymous said...

Hey I want my own show. A single mother paying my own bills on a server's salary. No sponsors or help of any kind. Just me. How's THAT for reality tv? Hell, it doesn't even need to run for years and years. Just one episode is fine with me. Money does some terrible things to people. She could have been a lovely person......way back when.

Andrew said...

How much do they make for residual shows? Given they probably showed 40 plus episodes during this 'marathon' I can't help but wonder how much this put into the pockets of these shameless child abusers. Any ideas on the amount they receive per repeat episode, no one can tell me they get nothing.

Anonymous said...

lmao at 3 loads of laundry a day. I only had 4 kids and I did 15 -18 loads a week. I did have one kid who would throw her clothes back in the hamper rather than carry them upstairs and put them away, so I guess I had 5 kids in the laundry department.

I quit watching the show when the kids couldn't use markers at the Crayola factory as Kate whined about stains.

I thought this woman was heading for a melt-down with that attitude, but apparently greed keeps her going.

Anonymous said...

if you are going to just diss the show why do you watch it... jon and kate are documented their lives... and i can not believe how people are saying so many bad things about their show... seriously... pay attention to your own lives and fix them and stop gossiping

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see/hear all of the negative talk from her family. They keep saying they(Jon and Kate)aren't there for their kids and family, but apparently neither are her family members...

Anonymous said...

Why do people watch? It's like a train wreck or a car crash - you just can't help but look at disaster happening and the after-math of it.

Anonymous said...

Think of the kids i love how every thing is true and their lives are their and u can just see everythings thats going on. Thier a great family. kate takes great care of all of them. Its just such a great show. I've seen every episode. i wonder how kate does it.with hardly enough money with 8 kids. It must be hard. i love kate and her show SHES such a great role model!!

RB said...

all of this is just nonsense. none of us know what it's like to be in the situation that they are in ... maybe some family members or close friends (aunt jodi's sister) might have some idea - but it pains me to read that even family friends are trash talking this family. if you dont agree with what theyre doing, stop watching. there's no need for the envy, jelousy, or judgement. if you dont want to support them, dont become part of the problem either. there are far worse reality shows out there. at least this one is trying to be family oriented. i dont think the public is that naive that we dont realize that there is prompting or ideas layed out beforehand for shows - how else will they get their stories? i will continue to watch jon&kate +8, and they will remain in my prayers with all the heartache they are currently going through.

lisa K said...

RB..I am so tired of hearing the 'just jealous' routine. Face it, the non-fans knew all along this show was a sham. The show is what Kate wants to do no matter the repercussions to the children. 'Just jealous' my ass.

Anonymous said...

I love wachin Jon and Kate. I am devistated over the kove of money and the hatefulness from Kate.

It is almost as if it ispart of your own family problem.