Monday, May 4, 2009

Kate Gosselin Worst Mother on Reality TV

Kate Gosselin tops another "worst" list and this time it's not for her hair-"don't".

Kate Gosselin
Show: 'Jon & Kate Plus 8'

Why She's Bad: Caring for young twins and sextuplets looks like hell, so at first, we could overlook the stressed-out mom's overbearing perfectionism. But now that the family is raking in the money and employs a nanny, our sympathy is dwindling. Make the incessant nagging stop!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. At first it was interesting to see how a seemingly average middle class couple coped with having 8 children, but now all we see is them purchase multimillion dollar homes and go on amazing vacations...(nannies in tow). The original "point" of the show is now moot. Kate if you're reading: stop tanning! She's orange, for goodness sakes! TLC: lets wrap it up.

Anonymous said...

Very untrue. I disagree 5 million times. Why do you think the Mother of twins and sextuplets is going to hire a Nanny? She needs all the help she can get with her 3 thousand kids!! Mother's of one or two sometimes get Nanny' Kate, having eight kids, NEEDS a Nanny!

Anonymous said...

I think the problem is that Kate implies a lot of times that the nanny isn't there as often as she is; it seems like Kate is trying to show everyone that she's doing it all on her own instead of just admitting that, like the rest of us, she needs help in caring for her kids. I only have two kids, and while I don't have a nanny, I do have people taking care of my kids when I need it. I don't think having a nanny is the issue, it's not being honest about it that has people annoyed.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if she has a nanny or not but for her to continually bemoan how much she does, etc. is ridiculous. Any mother whether or one, eight, or sixteen can do plenty with a nanny present.
I would love to hear from their relatives and see some of them make the talk show circuit. I think their opinion of the true reality of this family would be more interesting for viewers.
Hope kids have lawyers watching out for their financial interests as seems parents spending tons of money.

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is how calm and collected Michelle Duggar is with 18 compared to Kate's 8. Granted, Michelle has children in tiered ages and uses buddies, but still, she exudes a calmness that I suspect still existed back when she had 5 little ones. I really like Jon & Kate and the show but I am so hoping that the two of them will find some time to pull away at a marriage retreat or something. It is hard to see Kate not realize how hurtful she can be.