Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Smell a Boob Job

When will these fools stop giving these scam artists free toys? With the economy tanking they couldn't think of something better to do with their money? Disgusting!


Anonymous said...

FORE SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i saw this on dlisted and googled kate boob job and found your blog.... too funny

met said...

DAMN that BITCH! I would love a vespa. She's a rich ugly person who had a litter of children on purpose and she gets all this free stuff. Silly me. ONly having three children.

CarolBooker916 said...

She got the fame and fortune she was always after. She is one of the most hated women around.

sueshe said...

It is too bad we have the marathon this weekend. We can sure see the unbelievable transformation of Kate, and my gosh....her chest does appear bigger....She was nearly flat in her wedding dress!!!
It is really quite sad, her greed!

Anonymous said...

After watching last night's premiere episode of J&K Season 5, I can sum it up in one word: SAD. It was so extremely sad to watch how money, fame and greed has literally destroyed a family. However, the people I feel sad for are those 8 children. I do not have an ounce of sympathy for Kate or Jon because, quite simply, you have chosen this life. You have chosen to invite cameras into your home day after day and film this so-called "reality" show and now there are severe consequences to both your marriage and your children. If I have to hear Kate say one more time how she just "can't go back now" and how she has to "provide for her family" by doing the show, I might scream! Here's a thought, Kate... how about going out and getting a real job like millions of other hard-working people in this country. She says she can't go back to nursing....why not???? So, instead, live off fame and celebrity, no matter what detriment you have caused to your marriage and your children. She truly disgusts me. Given the fact that we are in a recession and people are losing their jobs and homes everyday all over this country, she has unbelievable nerve serving up all her demands and accepting "freebies" left and right. As for the state of their marriage, I would be shocked if it survived, given all the recent tabloid fodder and last night's episode (which clearly showed the disdain they currently have for one another). All I can say is ,J&K, you made your bed, now lie in it!

nlw said...

WOW, Kate is just one very miserable mother! She has become so money hungry, she can't see what she's doing to her family. If Jon is having an affair, then I think I can see why ... does she ever even try to smile? And yes, the breasts have been significantly enlarged. Now Kate just try to smile ... the perpetual frown is so not attractive!

Anonymous said...

all i can say is if i was married to kate i WOULD definetley had an affair. she knew how jon felt about doing the show, she didnt care! all she thought about was money! and for all her money her body still dosent impress me!

Anonymous said...

Kate has been the glue that has literally held the family together, her organization of the kids and household is a full time in itself...Have any of you ever tried having 6 infants and 2 toddlers, and not gotten stressed. Jon is no saint and would have never been able to take care of that family on his own...I think Kate needs to be cut some slack...Jon checked out a long time ago....