Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More From Kevin and Jodi

In this interview, Jodi and Kevin say that Jon and Kate are fully aware of their intent and that there are signs of trouble. I took it to mean that some of the children are showing signs of stress. Poor kids.


Katherine said...

How gracious of her to "let him" go on dates with other women. Can't he see she is giving him the boot? She's doing to him what she has done to every other friend and family member that she no longer wants or needs around her - kicking him to the curb.
Actually I feel sorry for her. Sorry because she is ruining the lives of her family and is too greedy or self-absorbed to see it. Well, you know what they say -What goes around comes around. Someday she may realize the monster she has become. I hope she will be happy sitting alone in her million dollar home in years to come because I doubt if her children will be close to her as they get older. She will have no friends or family that care about her. Her TV show will be history and she will no longer need her "bodyguard".
Honestly, this woman needs to step back and take a look at the mess that her life is turning out to be. Believe me, money can't buy happiness.

Anonymous said...

You're so right, Katherine. Well said. It is a very sad life indeed if all you have to keep you company is money.


Anonymous said...

Lets not forget John was the one who cheated, why is everyone blaming Kate? They are finally reaping some of the financial rewards of their show for their children nd all this is about is everyone trying to pull them down. Thats what happens whenever things are going well.I beleive the comments of her family are made in jeoulousy as well. Leave them alone what they do is up to them, watch if you want don't watch if you don't want to.Who wouldn't want a mansion with all those kids?

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused about the widespread assumption that Jon cheated on Kate. He was out partying in the company of a woman. Is that cheating? Poor judgement perhaps, but until we KNOW that there is a physical relationship (which we don't) that kind of assumption is narrow minded and ignorant. I've spent many an hour with people of the opposite sex...that doesn't mean I was sleeping with any of them.

Grow up! Does the word platonic mean anything to you? Make sure you have FACTS rather than assumptions before throwing stones, please.

Anonymous said...

Well If I were Jon I would have cheated to. Any human being treated and yelled at like she yells and belittles him would have cheated too. I don't care how much money or stress or mommy stress you are under you don't speak to the person you so call love like that. And you wouldn't do it on TV either. She is to blame. and so is Jon for putting up with her shit and not standing up for himself. Oh and lets be quite clear Kate is not the victim in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:52

My grandparents had 10 kids, and they lived in a very very small farm house. I don't see why people think they need to have MANSION in order to have a happy life...doesn't look like this family is too happy, even though they have a mansion