Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Open Marriage?

Who the hell is she waving at?
Finally someone asks the questions we want to know the answers to. And the oh so nurturing mother goes to FAO Schwartz to buy her kid's love......


Anonymous said...

does she actually have a body guard? why? i just think that's weird.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr Grey is the alleged bodyguard.....funny how he doesn't say a word here but makes mothers pushing strollers delete photos in their cameras.

Who the heck is she waving at?

Anonymous said...

how about going to a toy store you go home and hug your children Kate!?

Anonymous said...

It was clear several year several years ago that Kate was slowly morphing into self absorbed diva. Get over yourself Kate. Your behavior is disgusting. I do not think Jon is being unfaithful, but its clear that Kate is killing his spirit. He told her on air that he has lost his identity to the show. Remember her looking out the new kitchen window saying "as far as you can see it's all MINE". that seems to be her mantra, me, me, me. That and "Im going to lose my mind" and her disgusted sigh abiut everything. If it's so tough, spend all that money on help so you can go out and be disgustingly "fab" ( with the zebra/rooster do) Kids are georgeous and she really needs to thank God for a loving father for her kids. He needs friends!!!

SaNdY said...

If I block out the 8 innocent kids for a moment, the guy who tries to ask Kate questions in this TMZ video cracks me up! 'Is it an open marriage...I know you're staying at home with the kids, taking care of the kids...have fun shopping at FAO, buy the kids something nice!' What a hoot!