Monday, December 29, 2008

More adoring fans

1. Of course you post comments only after approval. Lady, you've got serious issues. If you're going to start a blog like this at least man up enough to take your own criticism. Seems like you can dish it out, but can't take it. posted by anonymous

2. My goodness Lady, get a life. You have a whole blog set up to criticize a family???? Pathetic. It seems to me, after reading this blog for the first time, that you are Jealous. So what if this family gets to have unique and wonderful experiences??? So what if these kids get to experience things many other kids don't? Is it endangering them?? No. And they don't film all day, every day. They have certain days they film, just like any other reality show. Get a life!
posted by "k"

For your information, I publish almost each comment that comes in unless they are filled with profanity. Of the comments that I will not publish, 100% of them are from fans of the Gosselins. Not one comment has ever come from non-fans of the show with words that would make any sailor cringe. What does that say about the "fans?"
Instead of criticizing this blog, try listing reasons why I should feel differently about Kate and Jon Gosselin? Hard to do isn't it?

Here are some past comments from the past:
Comments from a Kate fan.
2. I know where you live...I can see you right now...You filthy little bitch
3. If you say anything about the Gosselins, I will come out to get you.
4. go to hell
5. you stink
6. you stink, go to hell bitch!
7. You are filthy, rotten people to accuse the Gosselins of this. How dare you!
8. Some parents are in chaos after they send 1 or 2 kids to college. How do you think the Gosselins will do it when they have to send 2 kids to college at the same time, and then, 4 years later, send 6 kids to college at the same time?
9. The Gosselins are just trying to do the best they can for their kids, that's all. If they might come across in a certain way, think about how you would be if you had 8 kids.

They were published as a post so how am I not "taking" it?


Anonymous said...

I myself am not a fan of the show anymore. I would just as soon watch some guy fish or bowl. And there is nothing at all wrong with a family having a charmed life. The problems we have is that they misrepresent themselves as an American family barely making it in the world...when nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact is they do have nannies and an organic chef. They do have all the college paid for. Back in the day it was common place for people to have very large families. And they really did do it alone. And there are still large families going it alone. We have problems with thing like "giving back" when all they really did was deliver some donated gifts. We have a problem with donated clothes and toys and other goods being sold for profit. And no, the profits did not always go to charity. There is a real difference between allowing the world a peek into your home and outright pimping out yourselves and your kids. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone in my living room on a weekly basis. Unless, of course, I had house cleaners and chefs and nannnies. Then it's probably OK. It's just not right. They portray themselves to be just another family. Who can't make ends meet. I am absolutely not jealous of this circus. It is the simple fact that they lie to the world that ticks everyone off. And not little lies. Big ones. Big enough to accept offerings from church goers. Come on, I am willing to bet those people needed that money more than the lying J&K did. Shopping money savings tips from Kate. That's a laugh. I can give you some money saving tips. When this show is over, and I am guessing the longest it can go is when all the kids are in school all day long, they will end up a question on Jeopardy. Which, I will never be. So be it. Perhaps a follow up when the tups turn 16 or something. But what the whole thing boils down to is the lying. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Posted by "K"? Makes one wonder......

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? That the "fans" use language like that to "Promote" the gosselins?
That is discusting in itself!

What does that say about these "fans"? That they're as 'mature' as Kate, that's what it says,

I do not like the way Kate parents, speaks about the children, talks to her husband, but mostly I dislike how she 'states' she's a Christian. The way she speaks at churhes, and how she lives her live, HINDERS what "people living the Christian life", are trying to 'TEACH" others about GOD!

I love ALL children, but some of these children are beginning to have the SAME personalitiy as Kate, and that will hinder them the rest of their lives! This is so wrong! Living under the spotlight of a camera and crew, away from ALL immediate family, IS NOT reality.

The day the cameras' stop, all crew will be gone, that will leave these children so LOST!! WIthout children's laws in place, with 'reality TV', there's no counselling or any protection, for the children....since their family is 'gone' and once these 'crew' are gone, how will they COPE?

Some people have even stated that once the 'crew' leaves there will be no one LEFT to PROTECT the children from Kate's wrath....That's SO SAD!

I wish and pray, that Kate would realize she's got some major problems and GET HELP! That would be a 2009 answer to prayer!

GOD HELP THESE CHILDREN....I think they're adorable, but the more Kate is left to hinder their "little spirits" they will lose their, 'cuteness', and be 'shunned' in many situations. I do NOT want to see that happen.

Well, I hope these "fans" will have an 'awakening" and SOON!! For the sake of the children!

Anonymous said...

I have read on some of the other blogs that the fans are crazy but now they're threatening you?
You should find out if they came from the area where the Gosselins live, I have read that Jon has got a pretty filthy mouth. Kate's mouth is bad, too. I mean she swears at her children all the time!!!
Nice Fans!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those Gosselins have some charming "fans." I guess the saying birds of a feather flock together is true. I have heard Kate curse on the show so I'm not surprised that "bad boy" Jon would also have a tendency to use foul language. Didn't Jon have a facebook page with his peeps that he would sic on blogs and other sites that he felt were "attacking" him? I do recall that when Julie had the fan page for Jodi she had to take it down due to the trolls that had PA ip addresses. There were some other sites that got a lot of harassment from PA ip addresses in the Etown area. I wonder how he co-ordinates his fan girls now?
Sorry that they are trying to attack you, Pam, but you're not alone they are very vigilant and must man their computers 24/7 because they come in packs after any site that has the least negative thing about these two scam artists. I also remember there was a Utah university student that was trolling all the non Gosselin fan sites and stirring the pot. When someone counted the names attached to the same ip address I think it was like 24 different names she was using.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I would just go ahead and moderate the "fans" they have plenty of places to spew their nonsense and have their little tantrums about the haters that are jealous, waa waa. I tell you reading the history of all this controversy from even before Kate kicked Jodi to the curb has made for some eye opening reading for me. I could tell from the first special (maybe it was really the second) that something odd was going on. Kate all in a dither over the child that had pooped all over herself and Kate whines that what will she ever do as Jon is the bath giver not her!!! Huh, she's got 6 kids but Jon at that time with a full time job and an hour commute both ways was also expected to bathe all 6 when they had two bathes and kate could do 3 and him 3. Hmm.
Then there was some minor incident and she had to call Jon at work to have him speak to the child. What?
I bet they were glad when he quit (yet, again he quits a job. Read his history, it's the only talent he has really, quitting.) I am ready for him to quit this job!
Guess I shouldn't have taken that sleeping pill. I just accepted a new position in my company and I'm wired up but instead of knocking me out it's causing me to ramble.
I think you're cool and just blow off the Gosselin peeps, they aren't worth the electrons it takes to respond to them.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a rumor that they were moving to NC? But it seems they have their new house still in PA? How much 'ya wanna bet that maybe had something to do with the college funds? Perhaps PA wasn't going to pony up the dough if they weren't PA residents? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I think the blogs that are more pro Gosselin could do the same as you from the non fans. This happens on both sides of the fence. I wonder why they choose to ignore those comments and go on about their business.

Brig said...

Sorry you have to deal with this stuff. That is the one thing in this Gosselin blog world that upsets me the most, being told how to feel and think. We are entitled to our opinions and and I will not be told how to post by the fans. I am not aking them to feel my way just accept that some people don't like them or what they are doing to their children. How these bloggers are treating you is juvenile. Sorry again!

Anonymous said...

These comments are classic Jon Gosselin. This is his style which he has used on Facebook, the Triplet Connection, and many other blogs. Note the juvenile tone and lack of grammar, spelling, and complete sentences. Yep, that's that loser Jon, alright!

Unknown said...

I have been a fan of Jon and Kate for about a year now. I have watched all the episodes and just finished their book Multiple Blessings. While I understand SOMETIMES that people view the show critically, I wonder why so many people who criticize still watch the show, as if its their hobby? To watch the show, then blog. It seems quite pointless and useless. From reading the book, I have a different outlook on why the family acts the way they do, Kate has been through SO MUCH, that I for one, felt it was interesting to read. This woman while making a decision for her family has not been someone who was fake in the sense of putting on a happy face and pretending to be the best mother, she has honestly been whoever she is and I respect that much. If we had our lives taped each day, there would be a lot of not pretty things, I am sure that happen daily. We are human, we lose our temper, sometimes take people for granted, especially the ones we love, and act in a way we might regret later.
In that way, she is very real. We also should see that she has in no way changed her eating due to sponsors, she still feels strongly about what she feeds her children and her religious beliefs, those things usually get lost when you have a "reality" show. So to wrap this post up, I just find it interesting to find this site when I was looking for maybe an official blog from Jon & Kate as if they had time, but was not surprised to see all this criticism. I just want to know WHY, if you hate it so much, move on with your life and go blog about something you enjoy or do something more productive. Happy New Years!

Chris said...

I agree with anonymous (12-30-08 5:38) some of those comments sound exactly like Yawn. He resorts to name calling using profanity, using bad spelling, grammar, and incomplete sentences.

Anonymous said...

These fanatic fans are the ones with the problem.From what I have read from them,it is they who have the problem. They are more obsessed than non-fans. They support people who wouldn't give them a second look if they were to meet them on the street, well of course unless they handed them lots of $$$. When Kate was asked what she thought of people lining up to see her, she said they were wierd for doing so. I don't get it,if some people are so blind they can't see through Kon, more power to them!

Libby said...

This is in reply to the "comments from a Kate fan"...gee sound like Jon much? or is it Katie Irene herself? That sounds like something they say to people as they hide behind screen names on the internet and post "devotionals" on their site. Ooops I forgot, Kate is way behind on the weekly devotional, that promise only lasted 7 weeks and it has been how many since Labor Day??...17ish? You better get your nose into that Bible Kate, because you are going to need all the Grace that God can give you, you are causing irreparable damage to the 8 innocent blessings that He gave you.