Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Difference Between the Roloffs and the Gosselins

I watched Little People Big World last night and I am so saddened by the passing of Roloff family friend Mike. Mike was such an integral part of the Roloff family. I had heard of his passing months ago and was wondering if they were going to mention it in an episode.
I noticed the love the Roloff family has for one another, the love they shared for a dear family friend and most of all their love seems to be so genuine.
Some people may argue that Amy and Matt bicker like Jon and Kate. They don't even come close. Amy and Matt disagree much like most married couples do. There is a level of respect that Amy and Matt display towards one another and to ALL their family members unlike Jon and Kate Gosselin who demonstrate such a lack of respect towards not only each other but to their children and to the various staff members of places they visit. I am so happy that TLC showcases a family that we can relate to as far as how we feel about our own families. Where are Jon and Kate's family? Can you imagine their Christmas dinner? Scott with his booties and wife along with Jen Stocks and her s/o will be the closest thing to family members the Gosselins will have at their dinner table which happens to be on one of the most important days of the Christian calendar year.

The Gosselins do NOTHING that does not benefit them. The "Giving Back" episode was a joke! Lets spend money on 10 round trip plane tickets and first class accommodations so that the Gosselins can take their spoiled children to K-Mart to pick out toys for the unfortunate kids at St Judes. Oh, and don't forget that Alexis got to choose a toy for herself. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking the kids...they are way too young to understand the whole concept. They must be so confused. "Listen, kids we are going on a free trip to buy free presents to give to sick kids". There are so many other things the Gosselins could have done but as I mentioned they don't do anything that does not benefit them. They want a free trip to Memphis, they want First Class accommodations and they want to promote their show. Oh wait, I forgot "they don't need to promote their show".

Show or No Show, With or Without Kids
In my opinion if Amy and Matt had no children, their show would hold the interest of viewers. What they have done to their farm while overcoming such adversity is what TLC should be showcasing.
What adversity have Jon and Kate overcome? Could Jon and Kate Gosselin pull off a reality show without the sextuplets? Absolutely NOT. Who would tune in to watch a bitchy wife degrade her husband in front of their twin daughters. There is absolutely nothing interesting about this family except for the fact that they had 6 children at the same time and they all happen to be adorable. Could they hold the interest of the viewers without the sextuplets? NO WAY!!!

The Speaking Engagements
Yes, Matt and Amy do speaking engagements. They are an inspiration to many. Look what they have accomplished! Amy beat the odds and had four beautiful healthy children, 2 of whom are twins. A "little person" giving birth to twins is very rare and a miracle. Amy never asks for help, she does everything on her own. Many criticize her messy house, so what! Her house is full of love. How many surgeries has Matt had? How many years of his young life did he spend in the hospital? He invented a device for hotel rooms that would enable little people to be able to perform simple tasks that the average person does. I would pay to listen to either one of their inspiring stories.

Back to Jon and Kate Gosselin. Now, what is so inspiring about their story? How exactly did they overcome adversity? What makes them so appealing to people that they would pay money to hear them speak? She had 6 babies at once, ok. She chose not to reduce, ok. She begs for everything she has. She doesn't "earn" anything she has, or is housing 6 babies in your uterus for 30 weeks earning the right to beg? And Jon, what is his claim to fame? He donated the sperm?

I am so tired of Jon and Kate Gosselin trying to sound as if they are some type of super heros. Can you picture Jon or Kate getting on a military plane to help a family of multiples in this country much less Iraq? Yeah, right.
I wish people would stop to think for a moment about what these parents have done to their children. I don't know if you have heard but Mady Gosselin has made it on a NY Post list as one of the Pop Wraps Most Useless Characters. She doesn't deserve this title, her mother does!

If all these blogs and negative press is not enough the parents to stop the show, they are way more clueless than I ever imagined!!!
Jon and Kate - I know you read this blog, I know you have sent in comments Jon - think about your kids for once!!!!! Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I disagree that Matt and Amy show respect to one another and others. If you regularly watch the show, you see that Matt and Amy disagree, constantly. Amy insults her husband to her children, which in my opinion, is very serious. Matt and Amy undermine each others wishes constantly. The children have no respect for their father, and tell him things such as "I can't trust you" or when Molly threw trash on the floor right in front of her father. They are emulating what Amy has shown them. I am not defending any Gosselin behavior, but I feel it is unfair to hold up the Roloffs as a great moral example.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way as Short on Respect. How you feel about the Gosselins should not cloud your judgement on this show. One bad show does not make another one better.

notakatelover said...

Thank you both for your comments, it's a great country to be able to express our opinions regardless if they are the same as others.
Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

The Roloffs are the last ones that people should look up to. Amy and Matt have absolutely no respect for each other and Amy has taught the children to do the same.
What about Matt's 2 dui arrests and subsequent loss of license for 3 years and a major fine? Jeremy was published in the National Enquirer for his hate speech and talks like his father and grandfather.
They have never taught their children the first thing about respect, responsibility, manners or anything else and those kids run wild with other kids without the least supervision.
Many of us would be hard pressed to find another family in such horrible condition, Amy has even mentioned divorce.
The Duggars are the only TLC family who has any morals or standards or any clue as to how to raise children and have a loving family and marriage.

notakatelover said...

Anonymous 9:48 am said:
"Many of us would be hard pressed to find another family in such horrible condition"

Are you kidding me????????

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of unpleasant people. I am glad you can't comment on my relationship with my husband and skills at parenting. I guess these families should expect this but I think you are all being a little tough on the both families. As for the Duggers, my guess is they have their moments as well. Since they isolate themselves and their children from the world in many ways, certainly have more control. And this whoe acomplices list - what is your problem

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the blog here. The Roloffs are hard working, down to earth people. The Gosselins are snotty entitled lazy bums who exploit their kids so they dont have to work.

TLC should be ashamed to have Jon and Kate on. They need to cancel, because someone needs to care about the kids. The so called parents obviously cant see past the dollar signs.

GingerRose (Prone to Wander) said...

I'm unsure of the comparison with the Roloffs, simply because the Gosselins have turned me off to any reality tv family.
I will let you know that a curiously dim wit has copied and pasted your entry in a group of unbalanced women so that perhaps someone can help her to construct a comment here. You'll have that to look forward to!
So, while I know little of the Roloffs, I must agree with you completely on the Gosselins. It is a terrible shame what they do to their children. Robbing them of a childhood so as to have luxuries now? There are few words for such reprehensible behavior.

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Ladies at Six Gosselins there are some real bitches at CafeMom talking about this exact post. They copied an pasted it over there and it is the topic of one of their "discussions". It is in the "balanced" group. They hate those that are non-fans but also say they "welcome" all to their debate, just don't say anything that they disagree with however, or you will be told that you can leave.

notakatelover said...

Thanks for informing us. I really don't care what they say or do at CafeMom, anyone who looks up to Kate Gosselin has issues, period.

Hope you "mothers" enjoyed the post!!!

GingerRose (Prone to Wander) said...

Anonymous - that is exactly who I tried to subtly mention in my comment. Too funny. You are quite welcome over on my blog, where I enjoy discussing that topic. I think it's quite cute that people need to come together in a group to figure out how to leave a comment on a blog!

Notakatelover - you certainly hit the nail on the head. One does have to question a mother who would not only see nothing wrong with Kate, but go so far as to idolize her!

Anonymous said...

I watch all 3 shows to my horror, but I can't seem to stop. Its like watching a train wreck...

Gosselin: I would have been a whole lot more impressed with their charity if they did something more than give money. But, that's me, and I donate lots of time. I think there are definite issues, although I do somewhat respect how she feeds the children. My hope is that each child has a trust fund, and that money is being invested appropriately. I can also identify with some of Kate's organizational/neat freak issues. I grew up with a person that was a neat freak, and retained some of those traits myself. I freak out when people move things on my desk at work because I can't find it when I need it. I'm disturbed by some of the issues surrounding family. But, I also remember that my family has similar issues. I only ever saw one side of the family once... and they disowned me when I was a teen. The other side of the family, I only see an aunt, and that isn't often.

Roloff: I don't really care about the messy house, although its not my style. The whole extended remodel thing bugged me, and I often wonder where the money for the things shown on the show come off. At least with J&K its clear it was given. Does anybody think the trips the Roloff's take or some of the items they receive aren't also subsidized by the show?
And yes, the parents here work... But the job of a preschool teacher does not pay for a farm like that, or the items they own, along with 4 kids. Oh, and I have some real issues with the DUIs.

17 Kids: I have to be up front here... the Duggars scare me. Being a member of a minority religion, and hearing their beliefs and lack of tolerance for those that don't believe as they do is frightening. They have gotten a bit better with the addition of "Amy", but not enough. And, again, TLC (or Discovery Health) helped pay for that house and those furnishings. They tell you that in one of the specials, and also show the decorator that was hired. The only way they feed their family on the amount they spend is because they buy absolute junk... I shop at Aldi's (and its subsidiary, Trader Joes) often. I started doing it when I worked with inner city families on shopping skills, and since that was they they shopped, it just made sense. You can buy decent healthy food there, especially at TJ. But, Michelle talks about buying as many frozen burritos as they have, and you see all the candy they buy. Tater tot casserole? I groan every time I see them make that!

So, in summary, I think there are significant issues with all of the shows. People can choose or not choose to watch as they want... but I have to admit that I'm amazed at the amount of horrible, nasty comments being made about each family on the various websites. I think I'm glad in a few days the holidays will be over, and I won't have time to surf the Internet like this anymore.