Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Concerned Canadian

The following was submitted as a comment but I thought it was worth turning it into an entry.
Thank you to the poster.

After visiting several sites that are dealing with concerns for the Gosselin kids, I thought I'd leave this comment here...the only blog I've so far commented to.

If the moderators feel it inappropriate I understand if they don't post it and I will not pursue the issue, I trust their judgment on the matter.

In all honesty, I'm not sure why I care so much about what happens to these kids.

It's not like I've ever met them, it's not like I've ever donated to their family and thereby feel duped by their parents.

I think it may be because I feel accomplice to what I now see as their exploitation. Part of me wants to redeem myself.

I started watching J&K +8 only a few months ago. TLC shows repeats during the day and it was the earlier episodes.

Like most, I was drawn in by the adorableness of the kids, the banter of J&K and the feeling that "Phew, I only have two."

That's the crux isn't it...if it weren't for the willing audience, there would be no show and we wouldn't be discussing this at 20 comments per hour.

Anyway, it wasn't long before I started noticing that I felt uncomfortable and disconcerted. I began questioning why I was watching it at all.

If I have a plain point it is this, there is just so much evidence that suggests these kids are going to have issues with self-identity.

Parents of identical multiples are advised to dress their children differently to encourage a healthy sense of self-definition.

What we have here is two sets of fraternal multiples being dressed alike, treated alike, doing almost everything together as a pair or a group for their entire lives.

That by itself should raise eyebrows as to whether or not the parents actually see their children as individual people or as THEIR "twins" and "the little kids".

Throw in cameras (not to mention the men running them) documenting every embarrassing (and what 'normal' people would consider private) moment and you're just asking for trouble.

I will stop short of saying I feel sorry for Kate and Jon Gosselin because despite their assertions they did not ask for this...we all know that when they signed that contract, they most certainly did.

I will instead reserve my pity for their children who clearly had no, and have not since had any, say in the matter.

Being an optimist, I do believe Jon and Kate have an opportunity to redeem themselves both in the public eye and in their children's eyes.

All they have to do is decide that the show and the money are not worth the price of their kids' self-esteem.

In all sincerity, I am praying that a revelation hits them, for the sake of those kids, before a court order does.

A Concerned Canadian


Anonymous said...

There simply is no way. NO WAY these people will realize money isn't the most important thing. Money will always come before anything or anyone. Oh but we need this money to care for our kids. BS. No you don't. You get loads of free s**t and if you knew how to save......Oh yeah, college is already paid for too. It has been said no matter how much money you make, the average person lives always 10% beyond their means. They do not need to continue the show to provide for their kids. They need the show to keep the adults in the life they have become used to. It is simply crap. It is the money they want. At any and all costs. These kids are pawns. Cash cows. That's it. They are not a real family at all. This isn't reality TV at all. It blows my mind there are people out there who think these would be suitable parents for a houseplant. Let alone actual humans. They are not and have not been doing their best. The hell with this stupid show and these ignorant, greedy people (Kate). God the woman makes my blood boil. Mother. Yeah. Giving birth does not a mommy make.

Bev Okin-Larkin said...

I agree wholeheartedly! We all need absolution for our part in this exploitation - and the issues you bring up - especially the dressing alike is so spot on! That isn't counting the infantilism the mother pushes with keeping them in bibs and highchairs.

Either way, I've stopped watching, I've been writing and praying for those eight innocent children.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Many of care about these kids and wonder why their parents aren't as concerned as complete strangers.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Isn't it all common sense? I stopped watching long ago when I became uncomfortable with what they were showing.

I do think the audience is to blame, almost as much as Kate (the lover of money) and Jon (the gutless and head of the household...yeah, like he could lead anything). I also blame TLC, they are also money hungry and ready to exploit these children for cash, no matter the outcome, which we all know will hurt these children for the rest of their lives.

When I read about a plane crash, I may watch the news and by doing so, I don't feel as though I helped to cause that crash. I am an innocent viewer. But when millions watch this TLC trainwreck, they are not innocent viewers, they are truly part of the cause of the crash.

Enough already, let these kids mourn in peace for the father who is leaving and for the mother they wish they had. The poor kids have no one to turn to, their friends and family have all been put aside for the almighty dollar.