Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cancel Jon and Kate Plus 8 Miserable Children

They didn't halt production. They are only not showing new shows. These kids will work whenever Mom is home. These kids will work whenever Dad is home. These kids will work until somebody does SOMETHING.

Sent in by Bruce'sWife


Anonymous said...

TLC is just as guilty as J&K for tearing apart a family. I do wonder how they sleep at night. What am I talking about? They have no conscience. It must be terrible to be them.

Anonymous said...

You're totally right - all adults involved in this are responsible for what has happened, but I really did think that they had all had reality bite them for a moment and realized that they needed to give the kids total space and privacy. It is so sad. Other than not watching, which probably won't make a dent, I don't know what to do to help. :(