Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Body Language Experts

I was watching Access Hollywood tonight and they had a body language expert on analyzing Jon and Kate during their last couch interview.
Even all you uber fans that leave your nasty "you're jealous" comments on this blog, which by the way will never ever be published, (so give it up)'s time to allow Jon and Kate to raise their kids out of the public eye.
I didn't realize that Jon was on the verge of tears...poor guy, can you imagine how the kids must feel? Give it up already!


Jolene said...

Very, very interesting....

I love my son! said...

That was all an act for the camera anyway!

Anonymous said...

I do agree that the kids need to be raised out of the public eye. It clearly has not been good for the kids or Jon & Kate's marriage. I'm really praying that they will do what's RIGHT for everyone. Jon obviously doesn't want to continue and I just hope that Kate values her marriage enough and loves Jon enough to let go of what she wants for the betterment of the family and for herself as well.