Saturday, February 7, 2009

Playing House

Did any of you play "house" when you were kids? Can you imagine the tups playing "house" at pre-school? Imagine how the other little boys are treated by the girls. One of these days, one of the boys will not put up with their behavior and there will be trouble. Oh and you watch, Kate will blame it on the other child. Their behavior is learned from their role model, their mother. If Kate is telling the truth when she tells us that one of the only shows the kids watch is their own, they watch as their mother berates and belittles their father during each and every episode, needless to say they are witness to this when the cameras are off. Not only that, Kate shows no respect to her viewers during her couch interviews and acts like she was raised in a barn. How quickly she has forgotten who butters her bread! It's no wonder her daughters display signs of bad behavior, look at their mother! How can Kate tell her children to sit up straight, mind their manners and show respect when their role model is slouching on the couch in her smelly stocking feet acting like a queen and slamming their father every chance she gets. Kate will ultimately be the downfall of the empire she has build around the exploitation of her children.
And what about the poor boys playing house in preschool? They probably wonder why the other girls are being nice to them and not yelling. I mean what else do they know? They only know that women are mean to men and that their father is yelled at by their mother constantly. They are learning to be little whipping boys just like their father. What other male role models do they have? The camera men? You know the ones that were bossed by Kate to vacuum up the living room while they switched the blinds. They have no grandfathers in their lives, nope....the only thing they know is that men are treated like second class citizens in the Gosselin household and they figure that is the way life is. So, when a little girl at school is nice to them, they are confused.
When the girls were misbehaving during last week morning interviews, they were emulating their mother's behavior. Pick on the boys and behave rudely. Isn't this what their mother has taught them? Kate has taught the girls to behave like bossy little brats and the boys are well behaved mini-Jons exactly what they see when they watch the dvds of their own show. And this is exactly what we saw during the interviews. Why is anyone surprised?


Anonymous said...

As I assume you are someone that has nothing better to do... I found this website for you to read up on and study. You have no idea what child exploitation is, but I found this for you: Stop making false claims before you know thw facts. Jon and Kate would not be doing this if it were harmful to their children. They are human beings just like we all are. It is not there fault that someone approached them and said"Hey lets put you on TV". Jon and Kate both had jobs prior to this whole thing and she even worked when she had Mady and Cara. John make good money and they could fully support themselves with or without the show becasue they did it when the babys were born, actually Jon didn't even have a job for the longest time. If it was against the law to do what they are doing, they wouldn't do it or they would be in jail by now. What if someone held your life under a microscope?

Anonymous said...

Well, have you not read any articles that Jon and Kate have been interviewed??? "Didn't know how marketable mutiples were said by Jon in Utah. And Kate said herself she put her kids out there for the world to see what its doesn't matter if you have ten or one...poop and potties are all the same and if you put one child on tv or say 6 showing them naked, pooping, barking and so on to make money...its exploiting. God, if my parents did that to me I would hate them now...I would be so ashamed seeing myself on dvd knowing that millions have seen it and laughed and made parodies of me on youtube and making fun of me.
Yeah, whoever you are....the PR team, Jane or Hate or someone who can't see the forest for the trees. Either wake up or leave this person alone. They can have their own opinion and I have read all their blogs and yes they are very well informed. I like this blog...great writing.

Anonymous said...


There are none so blind as those who will not see . . . or use a name!

Jon never "made good money" and they went out seeking a show.

Did you send your "love offering"?? New furniture needed !!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny Bobbie MacCaughy and her husband could have used the same help with raising 7 yes 7 children, but took the bare minimum. You don't see any reality show about their life now do you.

Who is the real Christian family here?
Kate is so full of herself now. I used to love the show and admire them both for being the best parents that they can be, but it seem now that Kate really resents the cameras around, but knows she has to have them there to keep the money coming in.

No jealousy here, I'm a 57 year old grandmother who used to enjoy the show. Used to.