Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In Two Short Years

Have you noticed the change in Kate's appearance in the space of two short years? Two years ago, we watched a woman who wore baggy yoga pants, t shirts, had a sensible short brown hair cut, wore no makeup and was a little chubby. I thought she looked fantastic for a woman who had 8 kids in 4 years. I admired her organization, her relationship with her husband and what amazed me the most was the fact that she showed the world her "jowls of a dog" tummy! I was captured by this charming young woman who clipped coupons and shopped at Sam's club. What I did take notice of was some of the items that she placed on the cart while shopping but didn't think twice of it at the time. For example, I didn't understand why they would need all those clorox wipes which are expensive and to me a luxury item but whatever. I also noticed they bought individual packs of oatmeal rather than the big bulk containers which are actually healthier and less expensive, again...whatever. I have also read that Jon placed the video game "Tour of Duty" in the cart which I don't remember but I have read it more than once. Still, I thought whatever. What I couldn't believe was the final total. Wasn't it in the thousands? I thought, "wow, how do they afford that in one month?" The total amount could very well be Jon's total months salary or close to it. Still, I thought whatever.
Back at home, my heart melted for Alexis as her mother bathed her after her accident in the crib. Or, when Kate comes home and one of the tups keeps saying "hi mommy, hi mommy, hi mommy". Oh! So cute!!!

What do we see now? A woman that has had a tummy tuck, lipo-suction, teeth-whitening, a spray on tan, maybe a little botox, a beautiful new wardrobe, someone who admittedly has time to work on a treadmill for 90 minutes a day, uses money sent to her to take herself to the spa and wears more makeup than Alexis Arquette. All this with a brand new self-entitled bitchy attitude! We see Kate slouched down on the interview couch with her smelly stocking feet in our face with total disregard or respect for the viewers. Show some class woman, sit up straight and sit like a lady and at least act like you're enjoying yourself...we after all paid for that couch you're slouching on.
Her hair is still brown but it is striped with different shades of brown, yellow, red tints and is styled......well.....I will leave the style out of each his own!
They now live in a home that was purchased for 1.2million dollars without having to use the equity in their old house. Incredible, especially in this economy!
So, the question is....who paid for the tummy tuck, the lipo-suction, etc? Who paid for the hair plugs on Jon's head?
The payment came in the form of Hannah, Joel, Alexis, Collin, Aiden, Leah, Mady and Cara. I only name Mady and Cara because they are dragged into this but they alone could never carry this show. The kids paid for it!

There are many that are beginning to see Kate for who she really is but many have seen that a very long time ago. I never could understand the fascination with Kate, I agree the kids are cute but I had to look past the cuteness and think about what exactly goes on.

There is something referred to as the fourth wall in reality tv, it is something they don't want the viewers to think about. It is the cameramen, the sound men, the producers and the rest of the crew. The producers don't want you to believe there are are others in the room but what you see on tv. There was an "outakes" show once where Jon, Kate, Cara and Mady went to California (its where Kate steals pinecones from our beautiful National park, thanks Kate!) and Kate yells at Jon for directing a comment or question to Jen, the producer. Kate reprimands Jon for talking to Jen because it supposed to appear that they are not present and neither are the cameras. The kids think this is a natural part of everyday life since the boys imitate the sound men and Alexis asked someone on the fourth wall recently "what are you looking at?" Not to mention the professional lighting that was installed in their old house. Sounds like a television set to me. The bottom line is that there would be no show, no book deal, no speaking engagements if there were no sextuplets. If Kate set out to have sextuplets or not is irrelevant at this point as far as I am concerned, what is relevant is that she has used those kids to make a buck and big bucks at that. Who is suffering because of it? The kids are.

Beginning with the twins, their mother has said they are teased at school, Mady's behavior is a scream for help, Cara's silence is deafening. The sextuplets are still young and what is "normal" to them is to be in front of a camera more than 50% of their week. The other half of the week is spent with only one parent and a nanny while one of the parents travels around the country telling their tired old story of how broke they "were" to mega churches without any mention of how they are financially set now. These speaking engagements where they reportedly charge $25,000 are held at least 8 times a month. Lots of moola wouldn't you agree? Is this not exploitation? Would you give strangers photographs of your children, much less "sell" them? Jon and Kate are basically selling their story for the almighty dollar, what is the difference between her and the mother of the octuplets? Nothing!
Not only do they sell their story week after week, they sell photographs of their children for $20, cash only please! They have also been known to ask for donations towards their children's college funds and their own retirement! Retirement from what? The kids are the ones that need to retire! Let me ask you, would you give photographs of your children to complete strangers? Would you sell them to complete strangers?
The bottom line is no one would be interested in their story had they only had twins. It is the sextuplets that are in Jon's words "marketable". What parent refers to his children as "marketable". I didn't make this up folks, it is out of the mouth of their own father. Search Jon's interview in Utah and you can hear him say it yourself.

I don't understand how the fans can think this is an appropriate way to raise your children, in front of cameramen, producers, sound men, and the other multitudes of people it takes to tape an episode. They are dragged from one location to another. Sometimes they have to go twice if the weather did not cooperate.
I hope the birth of the octuplets and her alleged demands for money to tell her story will bring the Gosselin situation to the forefront and make people think twice about what they are doing to their children.

Kate is her own worst enemy. There would never have been so many negative blogs about the show had she been just a tiny bit more gracious and appreciative. If she could treat her husband like a human being instead of a whipping boy. She is not a nice person, people! Kate, herself will ultimately be the cause of the demise of the show. Not one agency has stepped in to help these children who know no other life than in front of the cameras. There are loopholes in the laws that govern how many hours a minor can work on a television set since Jon and Kate Plus 8 is a reality tv show. Since reality tv is a relatively new genre, new laws need to be set in place to help protect the children. Coogans law helps to protect the earnings of the children from their parents. Who receives the money from Jon and Kate Plus 8? I would guess it would be Jon and Kate as evidenced by their new lavish lifestyle and the physical changes in Kate. It takes money to look that good Kate and she does look better than ever if you like fake tans and lots of makeup. She is an attractive woman on the outside (the best money can buy) but a very ugly person on the inside. Her sense of style has improved so I am guessing she must have hired a stylist since she has admitted to saying she has no sense of style. If you remember the episode "Kate's Wardrobe Makeover", Jon has to tag along to help her choose clothes because Kate admits she doesn't know how to dress. My, how times have changed!!!
By the way, nice earrings she wore on the Larry King show, thanks kids!!!

I find it ironic that her appearance was aired at the same time as her reality show which showed Kate acting like she does, treating her husband like crap and being the demanding diva she has turned into. I wonder if God told her to act that way to her husband, after all she is a devout Christian woman, so she says! Don't you just love the way she treats her husband? It also happened to be the episode where they move into their mansion, all this while Larry King is discussing how the mother of the octuplets is trying to "sell" her story. Larry, all you had to do was switch over to TLC and you could have witnessed the result of selling your children to the highest bidder. The PR representative for the mother of the octuplets has stated that the mother only wanted one more child and ended up with 8, sounds oddly familiar to me.

I expect a boat load of comments from fans that will say I need to get a life, I am jealous, Jon and Kate are doing the best they can. They will also give the argument, "they have given their children opportunities they would not otherwise had". How many 4 year olds go to Maui to a 5 star resort with a stopover in San Diego so they could get used to the time change? I would bet maybe less than 5 percent of our population. The opportunity they are not afforded is the luxury of growing up in privacy with the loving care of both parents. Wouldn't that be a nice change for these kids?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I just came across your blog and I read it for today. You put a lot of energy into someone of something you seem to dislike so much. If you watched the show, you would have seen that a female that watches the show called Kate and asked if she would like a tummy tuck on the house. Her husband was a plastic surgeon. Jon's hair was donated also from another viewer who was a fan. I am sure they could have afforded to do it themselves though. Kate has wrote a book, she makes appearances, they get money from the show which happens to invade their lives everyday. They give us entertainment, and inturn they get money. I will admit Kate has gotten bitchier, but look at the amount of stress she is under. She is constantly running around and doing stuff for the eight children she has, so no it is not lipo suction, it is called running around all day chassing 8 kids or keeping track of them.

notakatelover said...

First of all, Kate did receive liposuction at the same time of the tummy tuck, watch closer next time!
Chasing around the kids all day? Which day would this be? I have never ever seen her chase even one kid, ever!

And yes, viewers gave her the free plastic surgery....but HOW did she get it? Through the EXPLOITATION of her innocent children!!

Take your blinders off write another check so Kate can spend some more time at the tanning salon!

CarolBooker916 said...

Kate showed her tummy on TV in hopes of getting free plastic surgery. She also wanted her breasts done but the DR told her no.

When does Kate look after her children? Are we watching the same show? I see a hateful woman sitting in a white plastic chair while she barks out orders. I see two very unhappy twins and so does the rest of the world. It's a shame their parents aren't there to love them and protect them from the world. By Mady's own admission on live television, she prefers her dad. We already know how Kate feels about Jon, her sons, Mady and Alexis. This family is in for a rude awakening and no one deserves it more than Kate. God bless those children for having to support their family.

Anonymous said...

Did you see where Kate also tried to get a free boob job along with the tummy tuck and the doctor said no!! I laughed so hard!
Poor Kate, no free boob job for you!
Mind your own beeswax, Anonymous, if people want to watch to bash, and blog to trash, that's their business. Why didn't you stop reading if you're so offended for Kate and family?

notakatelover said...

I loved it when the doctor told her to get a better bra!!! All I can say is Kate has nerve! She was also furious when Oprah only gave her Build-a-Bears for the kids!
Kate = Take

Your gravy train is coming to a halt soon Kate and what do you have to show for all the years of exploitation?

A very unhappy marriage, a couple of very unhappy children, a huge house with all the expenses, loss of family and friends.
Tell me, was it worth it?
I guess so anything for vanity!

Unknown said...

Can someone tell me what happened between Kate and Aunt Jodi. I keep seeing all these things online, but I can't find one reason answer! Someone email me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

OK, I have birthed 4 kids. 1 at a time. granted, but still. I gotta tell you, I would be hard pressed to turn down a free tummy tuck and lipo. But for some reason, these people have a huge sense of entitlement. They simply expect sponsors to hand out freebies. I don't really NEED a tummy tuck, but back in the day Kate really did. And if it would have ended there, everyone would have been like, OK. This woman deserves this. It is the ongoing gimme, gimme, gimme that ticks people off. I doubt they even pay for the Sunday paper, much less clip coupons from it. I have read other blogs about how much other families (The Duggars) are doing the same thing. They have many more kids, but as far as I can tell, they made some very wise investments way back that are repaying them very well now. They shop at Aldi for pete's sake. They drive used cars. Oh, but their kids are sooooooo sheltered. Maybe so. But it feels to me like I could walk up to Michelle in Aldi and talk with her without paying a fee. Even she has her pride and modesty. Remember the ultrasound episode where she insisted on no skin being shown? They even have phone numbers and email addresses on their site for contact. I think Kate could take a lesson on being a Christian from this family. And the Rolloffs. Everyone and their mother bashes them for having a cluttered house. (during construction) COME ON! Now THAT looks like a regular family. lol! I have even sent emails to Amy, and guess what? SHE ANSWERS THEM! Kate wants her family to be put up there with the Pope or something. Totally unapproachable. Every single person in the world has something to say about most everything. And almost no one I know wants the world in their living room. I don't think there is one of us who could pass the perfect test. Ever. What's normal for me is not for everyone else. Right now there are dirty dishes in the sink and a stack of folded laundry on the couch that I meant to put away yesterday. Instead we ordered pizza and watched a movie. Then we had a tea party and read Cinderella for the 6000th time. Translation: I don't really give a crap about that laundry. And at some point today I will load the dishwasher. Maybe we are all terrible people for "passing judgement" on KON. But you know what they say, If one person says it you can probably dismiss it. But when a whole MASS of people are saying it, there's probably a great deal of truth to it.

notakatelover said...

According to Jodi's sister's blog, this is what happened to Jodi.
The producers of TLC approached Kate about paying Jodi for her appearances on the show, Kate wouldn't have it and allegedly said"no one makes money off my kids but me". When TLC told Jodi they were sorry they couldn't pay her, she was a bit confused because she didn't even know that she had been offered money. Jodi's husband Kevin (Kate's only brother) confronted Kate and asked what was going on. Kate told Kevin the same thing and so Jodi and Kevin decided to opt out of the show. Kate did offer to pay Jodi a babysitting fee when she appeared on the show but refused to allow TLC to pay her.

According to Jodi's sister, the issue was not the payment but how Kate dealt with the situation without telling Jodi about it.

As far as I have read and I am not sure it is fact. TLC approached Bob and Beth with the same offer. They offered to pay Beth and Bob when the cameras were on their property, Kate said the same one makes money off my kids but me. Bob has prohibited any cameras on his property since.

Jodi's sister had all the above information documented on her blog but was asked by Jodi to have it removed as Jodi wanted to move on with her life and leave the past behind.

notakatelover said...

I forgot to add a video I found on youtube

notakatelover said...

Dear Anonymous 5:47

You sound a lot like me!!!
I am staring at 4 baskets of laundry to be folded!

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand all of you bashing on someone you don't even know whatsoever. You only see their lives on TV, not what is behind the cameras. Don't you think Jon would get out if he was that unhappy? I would like to see all of you try being one of them for a day, read the book of how their lives unfolded into this plan of Gods that they were not prepared for. I watch the show and Mady is a little baby. Cara doesn;t have a problem. Children will always feel left out and jealous. That is life as an unsingle child. It really disgust me to see people in this world tear a family to pieces with their words. You don't even know if half the crap you read or hear is true. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 regularly but I can not tell you why. As soon as the episode is over I sit back and wonder how and why someone could do this to their family. I am a mom to 3 little boys 5,4 and 1 and my house is crazy but I take every second I can to spend with my family.

I don't know if you noticed on the episode where they take the kids to the new house. Before they left the "old house" all Kate kept saying was "this is the kids day" "we are taking the kids and we are going to let them explore" did anyone else notice that on the kids day Kate spent 4 hours cleaning a fridge. Oh and how I hope that poop is still sitting on that bathroom floor waiting for Kate's return.

notakatelover said...

Anonymous 10:17

We may only see what is on tv and that is more than enough. I have also watched them on various tv shows and Mady is NOT happy at all!

Please give me a few examples of what you see on the show that makes you such a fan? Is it the loving relationship you see Kate has with Jon? Is it the loving way she speaks to her kids like when she told them that they are never allowed in her room at the new house?

You are such a typical Gosselin fan, attack the poster because you can't defend Kate Gosselin.

Try and say one positive thing about Kate, come on.....give it a can do it!!!

It shouldn't be that hard, should it? After all, we only see 22 minutes of their life each surely can pick out one nice thing Kate does......cant you?

Anonymous said...

Jon would leave if he were unhappy? Money changes people, so I don't think he will be going anywhere. Not just yet. I will not be surprised when their divorce is splashed across tabloids. When they are tearing each other apart. And yes, I would absolutely LOVE to take their place for a day. I would make a mud puddle and let those kids eat melting ice cream and stomp in the mud. I would let them pile their cupcakes as high as they want with icing and then eat them. And then the pile of dirty clothes would sit while we just spent the rest of our time being silly. I would let them poop in private. And I would do it camera.

CarolBooker916 said...

It started out by saying that we only see 22 minutes a week. 22 minutes a week for years adds up to a lot and Kate Gosselin is a rude, ungrateful person. She verbally and physically abuses her husband, in front of her children. Children learn by example and they are NOT setting a good one for their kids. I've seen those boys mistreated simply because Kate his issues with men. Her sense of entitlement makes me sick, as does what she has done to her children. Therapy will be in their future.

Anonymous said...

I am a former neighbor of Jon and Kate, I just came across your blog today.

I would like to take this time to let everyone know Jon and Kate are not bad people like the media/blogs make them out to be, they were fantastic neighbors. The kids are all beautiful, happy, healthy children. What you see on the show is not even half of their life, and I think it is hard watching someone thru a understand this. But yes the kids do have friends, Jon and Kate do have friends...because they are not on the show, does not mean they don't exist. People choose not to be filmed, so of course your not going to see them.

Do I agree with what the Gosselins are doing? I am not one to make that judgement, I am not in the situation of having 2 sets of multiples, 6 of them the same age. I think everyone should step back and realize it is not any right of us to judge them, no matter if they are on tv or not, until we are in their shoes.

dizzy_squishling_and_bean said...

I think it's pretty freakin funny that this Amanda has come forward proclaiming the wonders of the Gosselins as good neighbors, when every single neighbor we've heard from in the past, every past volunteer, every person who has run into them has the same dang story. Nice try Kate.

Anonymous said...


I just randomly came across your blog too and wow at this post! It’s a lot!
I am a fan of the show but I can tell you in the beginning I was just fascinated by their story even though in the back of my mind I thought “this can only end badly”, especially when it turned into a series.
I loved watching the kids a while back but now it’s sad that every week there has to be something going on. Before it had a little bit to do with the “hectic” life of having multiples but now it’s like any other show and something new happens! I wanted to stop watching but I can’t I still like the show. I feel sorry for those children, because this isn’t going to last forever and when it does stop I do believe they will be left wondering why their life isn’t in the spotlight anymore. And this was going to happen whether or not Kate was a b!tch.
The problem now is that these kids parents have gotten a crapload of cash that should be for the interest of their kids, because that’s the only reason they have it, but we all know it’s not. I just hope they don’t blow it beyond what they already have.
The fact that Kate has gotten worse rather than better just goes to show how much has gone to her head. I mean even celebs on reality shows have said they’ve changed some of their ways by watching themselves. Kate? She just got worse. She clearly enjoys herself.
Jon? He is just in this for the money. And if you think for a minute TLC hasn’t told them they have to stay together for the show you’re seriously missing something. Jon isn’t any better than Kate, he is probably just more likeable.
The twins have some serious issues and I don’t understand for the life of me why nobody has done anything about this.
Thinking about this makes me mad I enjoy this show but at the same time I feel like, I didn’t put them out there.
I wish them the best but I have a feeling nothing good will come of it.

I don’t care how dirty that fridge was. For somebody who claims to clean as much as this woman does it seems like she would of had better tricks up her sleeve than have to sit their for 4 hours.

Anonymous said...

Okay back to the fridge! Did anyone notice last night Kate said she had gotten a new fridge!!!! Nice waste of 4 hours