Saturday, November 22, 2008

An American Family

This is a comment submitted by an anonymous poster. I hope you don't mind me sharing it! It's a perfect example of a hardworking American family who raised their family the old fashioned way. I believe the person that submitted the post below deserves to be treated to two weeks at the Grand Wailea in Maui. What do you say?
To the anonymous poster who submitted this: Thank you!

J&K's list of supporters is a bit longer, but I think mine is more impressive. And I bet yours is, too.


The hospital where each was born. Thanks for everything, inculding the bill. And thanks to my husband for his part as well. LOL!

Employers past and current. Thanks for my pay, ever how small, to house, clothe, feed my family.

Aldi grocery store. I raised 4 kids and now a grandson. YOU ARE AWESOME, ALDI!

Chrysler. Thanks for that minivan, even though I had to make payments until it was paid for. It's mine now, wasn't new to begin with, but by God it's mine now. You take us to school, work, WalMart, Aldi, and endless trips to whatever friend is coming to spend the night. So what the air conditioner is broken? Roll the window down!

The local power/water company. Thanks for the electricity. And water. We couldn't have done it without you. And kudos on keeping those bills coming right on time. Every month.

Credit card company. We enjoy Christmas, not so much your bills afterwards. But hey, bills are a part of life, right?

Thrift stores. You're right up there with Aldi. I love you. What else can I say?

Library. Thanks for the free video rentals. You are the only one who actually gives me free stuff.

McDonalds. Thanks for the Happy Meals. When we get busy with Scouts and soccer games and whatnot, you were right there.

Mortgage company. Oh yeah, can't leave YOU out. LOL! Yes, Virgina, there are people who pay for their own houses.

Kodak. Thanks for that digital camera. We don't have or want a film crew following us around. It was kinda pricey (back in the day) but it's still going strong.

Lay-a-way. How do you think we got the digital camera?

Family. There is NO amount of money that can be put on you. From the oohss and ahhss at birth to the tears at graduation, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE. We have had arguments and sometimes fights. And we always come full circle right back to each other. You have babysat my kids and me yours. We have even been through deaths that left a hole in our family, but opened a place at our table where a newly parentless child will sit until they grow up. And hopefully return with children of their own. We are truly living on a rock, we have never let any member fall.

GOD. Honestly there have been times when faith has faltered. But when the smoke cleared, it was just that much stronger. Keeping our family together. Keeping us real and grounded. Seeing our family from a small unit to something that grew into a family with members serving our country, and their kids. Then their kids. Living literally throughout the world. But banding together at a moments notice. We surely would have failed if not for you.


Anonymous said...

Don't mind at all. There's the exception and then there's the rule. They can have the title of exception. Me and mine, we're the rule. Along with countless other families. I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks for recognizing it.

Jessica in Georgia

Jolene said...

Well stated.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of an American family. Thanks for sharing your story and I vote for you to go to Maui! Are you reading this Grand Wailea?

Anonymous said...

Now, that is a nice story! Or, I guess it is not a "story" but the truth! I know you can lay your head down at night and know that you did the best you could for your family.
One of the reasons that I can't stand watching Jon and Kate Gosselin on TLC anymore is because I can't stand the fact that they lie to us week after week. I suppose they think that we are stupid but some of us aren't fooled like some of their fans are. Can you imagine going to a "Speaking engagement" and dropping money into their basket knowing they just bought a million dollar house and they spend most of their summer on 5 star vacations all over the country.
I mean really, how stupid are their fans? Judging by the comments left by one of their fans on this site, they are pretty stupid! "All bitches go to hell?" That's the best they can do to stand up for their heroine?

Chris said...

One of the things I've picked up from interviews done by several very successful athletic coaches is to think of each day as being a "work of art". "Good enough" just doesn't cut it with them. Doing your best does. What I see from Kon is "good enough". If they truly even tried to do their best we'd see Kate working a day or two a week as a nurse and Jon doing something to bring in an income to support this family. If they did this I think I could be more accepting of the freebies and begging for money, for then they would truly be doing the best they could.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a real American family life. Great post.
I've not read this site before but I'm trying out the laptop I got for Christmas. I have to say after having had our family get together yesterday and the discussion of how the economy is causing us all to cut corners and worry if any of us will be seeing a pink slip in our future, it caused me to recalled when the economy was tight back when my husband and I first married and he'd go to the unemployment office and take day jobs until he was able to get a full time job in his field. That is doing whatever you have to for your family, not selling their childhood for public consumption.
We stopped with two children because they may be blessings but they also require time and money to raise them. So I always have to roll my eyes with Kate's claim to wanting one more then going with the one type of fertility treatment that almost promises that you will get multiples. If she really wanted to make sure that she had no more then twins she would have gone with IVF not IUI with injected hormones. Her whole tale stinks to high heaven.
I don't understand how she can claim to be such a big Christian and ignore the majority of the 10 commandments.