Monday, September 1, 2008

The Twins Relive a Nightmare

Whoever thought up the great idea to take the family to the hospital to relive Kate's pregnancy and labor is thinking out of their asses.  Don't try and tell me that the tups asked to go there, please TLC give us a little credit!
Honestly, do they ever think?  Do they really think that Cara and Mady want to relive their mother's hospitalization?  How fun for them to be reminded how serious their mother's condition was.  We must remind ourselves she was pregnant with 6 babies when the human body was designed to carry only one.  She put her life at risk as well as the babies.  In addition, she placed stress on her family especially the twins. 
 Can you imagine being 4 years old and your mother is in the hospital but you don't really understand why?  What are they thinking when they visit their mother?  Why all the tubes, mommy?  Why can't you come out of the hospital?  Why can't you stand up and hug us?  Do they realize how scary it was for them?  Of course not, because their first priority has never been about the kids, even when it was only Cara and Mady.
Once the babies were born, their health was precarious.  How scary for the twins to be introduced to 1 -2lb babies with tubes and machines coming and going out of each of their siblings.  Not knowing when the sextuplets were going to come home or even come out of the hospital at all.  Don't think they were too young to understand, they could sense how dire the situation was.
Add to this all the financial stress at home due to Jon not working,  don't doubt for a second that stress was not felt by the twins.
Don't forget the twins were displaced while their mother was hospitalized.  I don't care what people think of hospitals, this is no place for the children to go on an outing. People die in hospitals each day. How many people are walking out the front doors that just lost a loved one or just left a loved one that is unrecognizable because they were in a horrific accident?  A hospital is not a playground or a theme park not to mention the germs the children unknowingly expose to the patients.  It is a hospital and it should be a private place where people can visit their love ones and for patients to receive the treatment they need in private without cameras following money grubbing parents like Jon and Kate around.  Another brilliant idea!
 How about an episode where the family engages children in crafts or other activities at a low income day care.  


Anonymous said...

You know, you are right, my oldest was almost 3 when the second one came along, just having me in the hospital for 2 days stressed her out big time. I love reading things like this that give me more insight.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, children have a built in mechanism to forget stressful situations in their childhood. I never thought about how painful the experience would have been to Cara and Mady. To bring it all up again is a mistake.

Anonymous said...

I think Mady and Cara are stressed out everyday by the cameras, someday this will all come back to haunt Kate.

Anonymous said...

This show has become so sad, really who wants to watch them go to a medical unit? They are just grasping at straws now.

Anonymous said...

I am actually hoping for a procedure while Kate is there, perhaps some one grabbed her and did a lobotomy. I think that just may do some good.

Anonymous said...

Like someone said, this is all about Kate, this show will put Kate in the spotlight again, at least in her own mind.

Anonymous said...

The spotlight is on Kate but she doesn't realize that it is a BAD light!

Anonymous said...

Remember people, it has never been about the kids, it's about their life and as Kate has stated, their life is the show.

Lucy said...

I think their whole life has been a nightmare. Those girls do not seem happy, especially Mady, the poor thing.

Anonymous said...

Great insight!

Anonymous said...

The crafts have already been covered, remember the kids HAD to make Kate those ceramic dishes. Once again, this time could have been spent helping out someone, showing the kids how to give back, like that will ever happen.

Anonymous said...

I quit watching this show awhile ago, but I check in once in awhile on the net to see if what they are up to. It's sad I will be missing their newest trainwreck. Nah, not so sad really.

Anonymous said...

The nightmare is living in front of cameras and living with that woman they have to call mommy.

Anonymous said...

It must have been particularly confusing for the twins when they would see other pregnant ladies that were out and about wondering why their mother couldn't do the same. Sure, you can tell them that mommy is carrying 6 babies and try to explain the reasons behind the bed rest. But, honestly I think the explanations would further confuse and frighten 4 year old girls. IMO Mady is a bright girl who understood more than what an average 4 year old could.

Anonymous said...

As usual, you could see the pain on Mady's face tonight, like she didn't want to be there.

Anonymous said...

I can see the pain in Mady every episode. I feel so sorry for Mady, she gets the bad rap for being the brat but i know i would be hateful too if i was forced to deal with half the crap she goes through everyday. nevermind the absent dad, 6 annoying little brothers and sisters and beyond crazy mother, according to everyone Cara is perfect and is great at everything and is gods gift to humanity. i can't imagine how hard it must be to be labled the bad one and have her dear sister be miss perfect day in and day out. no wonder she acts out.